Clementine Adkins

Clementine Adkins

Clementine has been passionate about astrology ever since she first discovered the power of a birth chart. That was back in 1998. Over the course of time, Clementine has studied with a number of prominent astrologers which culminated with a Practitioner’s Diploma with the Federation of Australian Astrologers in 2005. The study continued and after some fortuitous events she discovered the concept of Evolutionary Astrology, firstly through Steven Forrest and later through Jeffrey Wolf Green. This form of astrology is the one Clementine uses in her interactions with clients and students.
Besides the FAA Practitioners Certificate, Clementine holds a Practitioners Certificate in Deep Memory Process (a form of past life regression) with the Woolger Institute. She is also a Practitioner Member of the Association of Professional Astrologers.

Clementine is based on the Bellarine Peninsula in Victoria. It is from this base that she runs her successful astrology business – Aquamoon Astrology –

Based on her love for Evolutionary Astrology, Clementine conducts readings, holds workshops, teaches astrology classes, writes articles and newsletters and gives presentations.

Clementine can be contacted through her website.

Lynn Bell

Lynn Bell

Lynn Bell is a Paris-based astrologer whose work spans multiple cultures as a speaker, teacher, author and consultant in astrology. She has been teaching at The Centre for Psychological Astrology in London since 1995, and has had an active consultation practice in Paris for over twenty-five years.

Living in France, she has developed a strongly cyclic approach to astrology and blended it with her own psychological work as well as training in Eriksonian Hypnosis and work in family therapy. She has spoken at most of the major astrology conferences in the world, UAC, ISAR, the World Congress in Switzerland and the FAA in Australia, as well as many other venues in the UK and Europe, Mexico and the US. She has been a tutor for The Faculty of Astrological Studies Summer school in Oxford, and teaches seminars internationally.

Her articles have appeared in The Mountain Astrologer, Apollon, The AA Journal, Meridian and other major astrological publications. Her most recent book with CPA Press is Cycles of Light, Solar Returns (2005). She is co-author of The Mars Quartet (2001) (with Darby Costello, Liz Greene and Melanie Reinhart) and the author of Planetary Threads (1999), which explores family patterns in astrology. She helped create L’Association Française d’Astropsychologie in Paris.

Peter Burns

Peter Burns

Peter Burns has been involved with astrology and palmistry since the early 1980’s and has been trained in both modern and traditional astrology. He has consulted hundreds of people, and has been actively involved in teaching. He was a guest speaker on ABC radio in Western Australia and on 3RRR in Melbourne.

Peter has lectured at the Western Australian and Victorian Astrological Associations, and at the 2004 and 2010 International FAA Astrology Conferences, where he spoke on the Fixed Stars and Financial Astrology. He has been national editor of the quarterly Journal of the FAA since 2000. His successful predictions include the recent global financial crisis.

Peter is passionate about the need for beginning astrologers to acquire a solid foundation in the ‘first principles’ of astrology, and now runs an online Horary Astrology Diploma Course. He points out that the sole focus of the horary chart is the question asked, and that this ancient technique overcomes the problem of inaccurate birth times. He says that the internal integrity, subtlety and depth of horary astrology has a beauty all of its own.
Peter also believes that the manifest outcome of the horoscope is contained on the hands and the time-lines on the palm, and that when consulting astrologers have been trained in the use of this amazing tool, their competence and effectiveness is greatly improved. He is seeking to promote a greater awareness of ‘hand astrology’ through his Palmistry Diploma Course.


Rod Chang

Rod Chang

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and through the London School of Astrology and the Faculty of Astrological Studies. His favourite aspects are mundane astrology and a humanistic approach to astrology.

Rod has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught astrology in Mandarin for around ten years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers. Rod is also working closely with other Asian astrologers in Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China and Hong Kong in order to establish an Asian astrology network.


Gregory Clare

Gregory Clare

Greg has lectured internationally and nationally on Hellenistic and Classical Astrology. Greg also presented a series of talks at the Sydney Theosophical Society on Hermetic understanding and the work of Gurdjieff.

As a former commercial fisherman, (28 years) Gregory has a detailed understanding of the natural synthesis between the heavens and organic life here on earth.

Greg’s work has appeared in the National Council for Geocosmic Research. NCGR, New York chapter – April 2014. The Mountain Astrologer 25th Anniversary edition, January 2013. Greg wrote a monthly ‘Planet Watch’ for the AANSW Newsletter and has had his work on Vettius Valens published in the FAA Journal.

Former President of the Astrology Association of NSW Inc. (AANSW -2007 -14) and the Sydney Astrological Research Society Inc. (SARS -2006-14). He was also a NSW FAA National representative.

Brian Clark

Brian Clark

As a consulting astrologer and educator for most of his adult life, Brian recognises the continuous thread of healing through his work.

He is the author of numerous articles, books and report writers which have been translated into French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. Brian has also authored a series of student booklets published by Astro*Synthesis and is the creator of the Astro*Synthesis distance learning program which has been shaped from his experience as an astrological educator over the past 35 years.

Through Odyssey Tours to Ancient Greece Brian conducts tours to sacred sanctuaries, especially those dedicated to healing and divination. Brian also lectures on mythology and conducts weekend retreats. He has his BA (Hons) and MA in Classics and Archaeology from the University of Melbourne. He has been awarded a Life Membership of the FAA and a Fellow Membership of the APA.


Frank Clifford

Frank Clifford

Frank Clifford – Astrologer, Palmist, Lecturer, Consultant, Author, Columnist, Publisher, Editor. An independent, creative force in the astrological community for almost a quarter of a century, Frank has built an eclectic career in astrology, palmistry and publishing:

  • as the writer of a dozen books including a modern classic on hand analysis
  • as a columnistand biographer
  • as a sun sign astrologer for numerous magazines
  • as a consultant for clients and businesses
  • as a publisher of two dozen books
  • as a reseacher and compiler of birth data (including a compendium for Solar Fire)
  • as a media astrologer/palmist profiled and interviewed on radio, tv and in print
  • as an international lecturer and the Principal of the London School of Astrology where, for the past eight years, he has been instrumental in bringing a younger generation to astrology


Gary Curci

Gary Curci

Gary has had a fascination with history, mythology and archaeology from an early age that sparked his interest in Astrology and the esoteric. Gary began his formal studies of astrology in 1998.

Gary is also co-convener for the South Coast Astrologers and organises the speakers for the AANSW Inc.

Karen Darby

Karen Darby

Karen is an experienced teacher, writer and astrologer. She is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers and past President of the Tasmanian branch of the Federation of Australian Astrologers.

She first studied with Astrologos in South Australia where she gained her professional qualifications in 1993. (QA FAA). Since then she has studied, researched, practiced and taught astrology on a part time basis while pursuing a career in education at both secondary and tertiary level. She developed an interest in Vedic astrology and attained her ACVA Level 1 in Hawaii 2005. She is a current professional member of the ACVA.

Since 2002 Karen has been residing in Tasmania and researching the exploits and writings of her female ancestors and editing her mother’s copious diaries which were found in the bottom of an old piece of furniture. She was awarded the Eric Dark Flagship Fellowship in 2011 for non-fiction and short listed for the Varuna Publishers Prize. In 2014 she published her first book, A Tapestry of Bruny Island, Tales from Four Generations. She now brings her astrological background to her writing interests.

Narelle Duncan

Narelle Duncan

Narelle Duncan is an award winning Australian Astrologer (FAA Silver & Gold Medal 2009) who uses her natural perceptive gifts to help countless people get in touch with their passion and live their ‘best life’. For more than 18 years Narelle, an Astrologer, Naturopath and Life-style counsellor, has infused people with self-awareness. She is able to decipher an individual’s soul purpose encrypted in their horoscope chart. Her specialty lies in highlighting life lessons and teachings and providing tools to stay ‘on track’ with one’s life purpose. Like a road map, Narelle uses Astrology to reveal the intricacies of our personality and why we attract certain people and circumstances into our lives as well as illuminating upcoming cycles so we can get on board with our soul purpose. Narelle designed the “Soul Purpose Oracle Cards” based on the nodes and pre-natal eclipse so everyone has access to their soul purpose!

Narelle also conducts astro-gasmic astrology classes designed for beginner through to advanced students. She uses a personalised approach and focuses on the personality, it‛s gifts and challenges. On campus classes are offered at Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast or Narelle’s interactive online astrology classes are available at … where you can access a FREE ONLINE ASTROLOGY LESSON.

Dr. Benjamin Dykes

Dr. Benjamin Dykes

Dr. Benjamin Dykes is a leading medieval astrologer and translator who earned his PhD in philosophy from the University of Illinois. He earned his medieval astrology qualification from Robert Zoller and taught philosophy courses at universities in Illinois and Minnesota.

He recently published Astrology of the World Vols. 1-2, Traditional Astrology for Today, and The Book of the Nine Judges. In 2015-16 he is publishing translations from Arabic and Greek. In 2007–08 he translated Guido Bonatti’s Book of Astronomy and the Works of Sahl & Masha’allah, on all branches of traditional astrology.

He currently offers the Logos & Light philosophy courses on mp3 for astrologers and occultists, and reads charts for clients worldwide.

Alison Feiner

Alison Feiner

Alison began her Astrology studies in 1999 and received her diploma from the FAA in 2008. Over that same period Alison has also been studying many forms of trading and investing, including shares, options, commodity futures and currencies. The twin interests naturally led her to financial astrology and the study of the planetary cycles on financial markets. In her final exam Alison received a 92% mark for her essay on the relationship to the Mars Saturn cycle and BHP.

Alison posts regularly about Astro influences on financial markets on her website, and finds that Financial Astrology research is greatly enhanced by the use of the graphic ephemeris and the 90deg dial. Alison has been a speaker on Financial Astrology since 2011 for the Victorian, Queensland and South Australian Astrology associations.

Mari Garcia

Mari Garcia

Mari has been consulting and teaching astrology since 1995. She has lectured extensively in Australia at the Federation of Australian Astrologers bi-annual conferences (2008, 2010, 2014) as well as at the United Astrology Conference (UAC) in the USA in 2002 and again in 2008 and the on-line Breaking Down the Borders Conference (2014). She was also a speaker at the inaugural Regulus Astrology Conference on Traditional Astrology in 2009. Mari also lectures regularly for FAA SA.

She is co-author of the book, Scala Coeli: A Ladder to Heaven – A Collection of Astrological Essays published in 2012 and edited the compilation An Ancient Art in the Modern World: Australis 97 Congress papers and was also a contributor to the anthology with the article “A Mundane Look at Australian Images”. Mari writes regularly for local, national and international and publications and her work is also available from Astro Mundi, an astrology school offering various astrological courses and workshops covering a wide range of topics: Her interests include mundane and political astrology, mythology and traditional astrology as well as research and application of traditional techniques in a modern setting.

Mari holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, an FAA Practitioner’s Certificate, is the current Chair of the Astrological Guild of Educators International, a member of the Federation of Australian Astrologers and the Forum of Professional Astrologers.

Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum

Dorian has practised and taught astrology since 1992. In 2009, she received her Ph.D. from the Warburg Institute, London, writing on the daimon in Hellenistic astrology. Her book based on her Ph.D., The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence, was just published by Brill. Her previous book was Temperament: Astrology’s Forgotten Key (2005).

Some recent articles include ‘Arrows, Aiming and Divination: Astrology as a Stochastic Art’, in Divination: Perspectives for a New Millennium, edited by Patrick Curry (2010); and (with Micah Ross), ‘The Role of Egypt in the Development of the Horoscope’ in Egypt in Transition: Social and Religious Development of Egypt in the First Millennium BCE (2010).

With Joseph Crane, she taught a 2-year programme in training astrologers, as well as teaching aspects of Hellenistic astrology. She has lectured internationally in both astrological and academic settings, including UAC 2012 and, most recently, a weekend course on Hellenistic Astrology for the FAS Oxford Summer School.

Sara Gilbert

Sara Gilbert

Sara Gilbert has consolidated a childhood love of stories from Greek and Roman mythology, into astrological research and practice with intuitive asteroid archetypes that associate back to myth from many cultures. A psychological astrologer with an evolutionary focus, Sara consults and teaches through Life Spirit Connections, near Frankston, in Victoria. She holds the FAA Diploma, APA membership and Level Two Apprentice status with Steven Forrest. Her astrology course focuses on the FAA syllabus.

Sara’s special gift is helping people decode the patterns in their lives, so they feel comfortable in their own skin. She is able to draw on wisdom from multi-faceted esoteric systems: astrology, tarot, tree of life, numerology and palmistry/hand analysis which enables a richer understanding, as each tool reinforces life design through a slightly different lens. Sara has run workshops and presented for astrology associations around Australia including Victoria, Newcastle, Tasmania, South Australia and Brisbane. She has developed a following for her daily astrology posts on Facebook and the CIA website, also having articles published by the VAA and FAA Journal.

At present Sara is concentrating on developing her own oracle deck and writing a book based on her research from asteroid archetypes and hand analysis markings.


Dr Neil Hair

Dr Neil Hair

Dr Neil Hair studied chemistry at Glasgow University, taught high school in Scotland and first year university in Sydney, before becoming a financial analyst, software designer and managing director of a software house. From a chance encounter with the esoteric world in 1981, Neil embarked on a parallel path in numerology, astrology and metaphysics, which led him to develop an integrated numerological model applicable to individuals, businesses and nations.

Neil is principal of the Sydney School of Numerology, teaches numerology courses and workshops, and consults to individuals and businesses using numerology and astrology. He specialises in mundane astrology and numerology; has researched world events daily since 1985 to validate theories, writes articles on political forecasting, and is passionate about links between science and spirituality.

Neil teaches and tutors in chemistry and biochemistry at Nature Care College in Sydney and is President of the Astrology Association of NSW

Marilyn Hillier

Marilyn Hillier

Marilyn has been studying Astrology since 1995. She has studied with many teachers, who have given her great inspiration.

She is the current President of the Gold Coast Astrological Society (GCAS), and has been for the past 12 years. Marilyn is also the current Treasurer of the QFA.

Marilyn taught astrology at the U3A on the Gold Coast from 2004 – 2008 and wrote the Sun Sign column for the White Light Magazine from 2008 – 2012. She loves the diversity of astrology research, and the history you discover with Astrology.

Mark Jones

Mark Jones

Mark Jones is an Astrologer, Psychosynthesis Therapist and Hypnotherapist based in Bristol, England, and works with clients and students all over the world. Mark is a regular speaker and workshop leader in North America. Mark’s first book explains his approach; Healing the Soul: Pluto, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes. His second book The Soul Speaks: the Therapeutic Power of Astrology, explores the transformative power of the natal chart reading.

Mark has a book on the Planetary Nodes, due for release in 2016, as well as chapters in Astrology: the New Generation, Transpersonal Astrology, and Insights into Evolutionary Astrology.

He is available for readings, Astrology tuition and Astrological Counselling and has many resources for students (including audio tuition programs) on his website:

Mark can be contacted directly;

Vic Ketis

Vic Ketis

Vic Ketis BSc (Mon) is the founder and principal of the Australian Academy of Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology and I Ching, a leading provider of education in Australia. The Academy presents extensive practitioner and general courses in Feng Shui, Chinese and Western Astrology, I Ching philosophy and Divination, Sacred Geometry, and the study of Psychology and Mythology through the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot.

He lectures extensively and presents ongoing seminars in Australia and overseas including FAA conferences, the VAA, and UAC – 2008 and 2012.

Glennys Lawton

Glennys Lawton

Glennys Lawton has been an integral figure in the development of humanistic astrology in Melbourne, having taught person-centred astrology in an ongoing structured format for over 30 years, first with the College of Humanistic Astrology and then with Astro*Synthesis. Glennys is an Accredited Astrology Teacher with the Federation of Australian Astrologers and has been honoured as the first Life Member of the Association for Professional Astrologers (APA).

As well as her astrological qualifications, Glennys is a family and bereavement counsellor. She has been involved in lecturing to international astrological conferences in Australia, Europe, New Zealand, Canada and the United States as well as presenting workshops to the CPA in London, England and to SFER in Zurich, Switzerland.

Glennys has also presented workshops at family therapy conferences, including a workshop on Astrology and Family Dynamics at the International Family Therapy Conference in Sydney, and a specialised course on astrology for the CG Jung Society. Glennys is the Past President of the Association for Professional Astrologers.

Jeannette Lewis–Hill

Jeannette Lewis–Hill

Jeannette Lewis-Hill is a New Yorker by birth who has lived in Western Australia since 1975. She started casual studies in astrology in 1981, whilst still pursuing a career in fine art. It was the mid-90’s when she started to consult and – shortly thereafter – to teach astrology. Initially she practised natal astrology, later adding horary and medical astrology to her repertoire. Her astrological studies dovetail with interests in natural health, sacred geometry and metrology. Public lectures and radio appearances as well as teaching have featured in her career.

Her astrological qualifications include a Horary Apprenticeship with John Frawley, a Horary Certificate with Deborah Houlding, and a Diploma of Astrology with the Astrological Guild of Educators. Jeannette is active in FAA committees and is currently hosting a horary study group.

Vivien Lowe

Vivien Lowe

Vivien began her studies in astrology in 1978 and has studied with different schools and teachers before finding her astrological home with Mari Garcia and Joy Usher at Astro Mundi in Adelaide. She holds the Practitioners Certificate from the Federation of Australian Astrologers and a B Social Science (Honours) in psychology from Charles Sturt University, and is planning to undertake the Advanced Diploma of the FAA.

After practicing briefly as a consulting astrologer Vivien now concentrates on research, with particular interests in the integration of the newly discovered solar system bodies into Astrology and in Evolutionary Astrology. Vivien has spoken at FAASA monthly meetings and spoke at the 20th FAA International Conference in Hobart in 2014.

Michael Lutin

Michael Lutin

Michael Lutin has a thriving private practice in astrology and counselling.

His background includes a Phi Beta Kappa at Trinity, special studies in French language at Harvard, and he began a PhD program at Yale. He is the Ambassador to Earth and a Certified Member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research, New York Chapter, a member of the San Diego Astrology Society, ISAR, and AFAN and of the International Society for Communicative Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. He is known worldwide for his columns in The Huffington Post and Vanity Fair magazine as well as Vogue Germany, Japan and Korea.

The author of four books on astrology, Michael is also renowned for such stirring evening presentations as “Saturday Night at the End of the World in Cleveland” and “My Mother Smoked During Pregnancy”. He is both (in) famous and beloved in the astrological world for his powerfully insightful work, coupled with his side-splitting, razor sharp humour. Consequently, besides being highly respected by his colleagues, readers and students for his professionalism and knowledge, he is also a highly sought after celebrity and performer (if we’re lucky) at any conference or event he graces with his presence.

Michael has spoken before the Harvard Business School Alumni and at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. In addition to lectures, workshops, and seminars internationally he is the author of four musical plays and four books including Sunshines, and The Astrology of Being Happy.


Charyn McLean

Charyn McLean

Charyn McLean has over twenty years of experience as a professional astrological consultant, teacher and flower essence therapist. Using an integrative approach, she combines counselling and flower essences with the art of astrology.

Charyn holds the FAA Practitioner’s Diploma and Diploma of Professional Counselling. Her astrological focus is psychological/karmic astrology, and she also works as a consultant for natural therapists who specialise in fertility issues.

Lyndall McQuinn

Lyndall McQuinn

Lyndall’s interest in Astrology began in the 1980’s and over the course of 30 years, Lyndall has established her own business based in Daylesford, Victoria, South Yarra, Melbourne, online nationally and internationally.

Lyndall has brought together her passion for astrology, tarot, wicca, ritual, meditation, and personal development in a unique and grounded way. From her study of these fields Lyndall has developed her own way of working with Astrology; a technique she has called Shamanic Astrology. Her five publications on Shamanic Astrology, Tarot and Astrological Ritual reflect her lifetime of study and practice in these fields. Lyndall considers all her writings and teaching are works in progress, nothing is ever finished she constantly builds on her concepts as she studies; so her publications and courses are forever growing.

Lyndall has taught Astrology in many situations over the course of twenty-nine years. Beginning within Lancaster County Prison USA in 1985, Lyndall lead workshops at the Rainbow Festivals of 1986-1991, Descent of Inanna Retreat for Women 1991 and independently from 1991. She has been a guest speaker at the Sydney Festival of Dreams 2014 and presented at the VAA and AANSW monthly meetings 2014.


Olga Morales

Olga Morales

Olga Morales officially began her astrological studies in 1991 with Pamela Rowe at the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology obtaining her professional certificate in 1993 and later completed an advanced Cosmobiology course with the late Gillian Greaves in 2004 at the Regulus Ebertin School of Astrology.

She has been teaching astrology since 1999 and as of the last seven years, specifically to Gann Traders. She has lectured for the VAA on Financial Astrology since 2007. In November 2009, Olga launched her website called Astrology for Gann Traders, offering independent online study courses, designed to teach basic to more advanced Gann Astro-Trading techniques. Her articles have been published in both Australia and in the World Traders Magazine in the USA.


Julie and Derek Parker

Julie and Derek Parker

Derek and Julia Parker have written a considerable number of books, both individually and in collaboration. Among the latter are several on astrology and dream interpretation – including the best-selling Compleat Astrologer (1970), arguably the first comprehensive teach-yourself book on the subject since William Lilly’s Christian Astrology in 1647.

Parkers’ Astrology, first published in 1991 and revised and much enlarged in 2001, is generally regarded as the world’s best introduction to astrology, for beginners.


Damian Rocks

Damian Rocks

Damian Rocks is a professional astrologer, teacher and writer. He runs a busy practice in Sydney, Australia and manages, a well known website visited by thousands of people every month. He is passionate about astrology, health, and wellbeing.

In 2014 Damian opened his own wellness centre in Sydney dedicated to holistic health and astrology. He holds an MA from Bath Spa University England (Cultural Astrology and Astronomy), an FAA Diploma of Astrology and in 2012 was awarded the FAA Gold Medal for Excellence.

He teaches a Diploma of Astrology in Sydney and is available for private consultations, tuition and speaking engagements.

Richard Smykowsky

Richard Smykowsky

Richard has been engaged with astrology since 1977 and established a pioneering shopfront practice at Byron Bay in 1985. Many fruitful years through to 1997 were spent reading birth charts for thousands from all walks of life, with needs and questions as diverse as the people themselves. This experience has grown into a worldwide clientele.

Public astrological activity has included scripts for Triple M Radio in the 80 ‘s, presenting on BayFM Radio in the 90’s, and writing for Penguin USA in the 00 ‘s.

Requests to contribute to both regional and international astrological communities have recognised Richard’s knowledge and experience. Since 2001 he has lectured at local associations such as the QFA in Brisbane, the GCAS on the Gold Coast, and by sponsored invitation at the FAA International Conference in Sydney 2008.

In 2009 the Astrology Project was launched as a joint venture, providing monthly Intensives to students and practitioners in foundational and specialist astrological topics throughout each year.

Richard holds high respect for astrology’s deep historical legacy which continually inspires and improves his craft. As a dedicated practitioner over the decades, he approaches each chart with a fresh sense of enquiry. Honouring the basic humanistic essence in using the Art to address questions on life, it always remains a pleasure to share an astrological reading with anyone.

Kelly Surtees

Kelly Surtees

Kelly is a full time professional astrologer who shares her passion for astrology through client consults, teaching and writing. Having just celebrated the Jupiter return of the start of her astrology practice Kelly has more than 12 years’ experience in sharing astrology with clients from all walks of life.

Kelly’s special areas of interest include predictive astrology and incorporating traditional techniques into modern practice. Kelly has lectured at conferences like UAC and ISAR and teaches online, both privately and through Kepler College. An Aussie by birth Kelly divides her time between Canada and Australia, and regularly teaches in the US. Find out more about her work via her website, or catch up with Kelly on Facebook and Twitter.

Kira Sutherland

Kira Sutherland

Kira is an experienced Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Astrologer. She divides her time between clients, writing and lecturing on health, wellbeing and medical astrology. Known for her vibrant, straight forward teaching style, Kira has lectured in Medical Astrology both within Australia and internationally. She is currently hibernating in the mountains of Canada with her family while writing and playing in nature as much as possible.

In private practice for over 20 years, Kira combines her knowledge in Naturopathy with her passion for Medical Astrology into a wonderful mix of mind/body medicine.

BHSc, Grad. Dip. Sports Nutrition, Adv Dip Nut Medicine, Adv Dip Naturopathy.


Kris Svendsen

Kris Svendsen

Kris has been practicing and studying Astrology for over 40 years. In his early teens he I was introduced to Cosmobiology as the first astrology he encountered and moved progressively through Uranian, modern western to end up with eclectic interests that straddle traditional western astrology.

His greatest interest is Horary, and it is this that is his main bread and butter, along with conducting workshops, teaching and readings. He has also studied Vedic astrology for years due to its commonality with traditional western’s predictive focus.

Kris likes to focus on predictive astrology and leave the psychological aspects to other tools in his armoury, used in tandem as a qualified Myers-Briggs assessor and supplemented by a strong knowledge of the Enneagram.

Molly Talbot

Molly Talbot

For over 30 years Molly has lived with her twin passions of astrology and tarot and watched them working in her own life and the lives of others. She is an insightful practitioner whose long experience as a reader, writer and teacher enhances the depth and quality of her work. Her philosophy is that learning should be fun and students enjoy her ability to break down a complex subject into simple steps.

Molly is a professional member of both the Association of Professional Astrologers and the Tarot Guild of Australia and has taught astrology and tarot since 1998. She also holds a Level One certificate with Steven Forrest in evolutionary astrology and is a regular contributor to the annual Astrology Wellbeing magazine. Her vision is to introduce the value of Astrology and Tarot to as many people as possible. Molly looks forward to meeting you and sharing her insights.


Ed Tamplin

Ed Tamplin

Ed Tamplin is a Sydney based professional astrologer, globally recognised for his mundane writings, world forecasts and research. Ed’s April 2008 lecture for the Astrology Association of NSW timed the global recession to the week. Interested in astrology from age eleven, Ed initially followed a media career, working for 2LT, 2MMM and 2JJJ as an announcer, journalist and comedy producer/writer.

Ed began professional astrology in 1990 and soon had a monthly fourteen page lift out in the magazine ‘Your Destiny’. In 1999 he rejoined radio with a two-hour astrology segment on 2GB that ran for over a decade and rated 22.3% of the available Sydney audience.

In 2002 Ed launched his website, and the following year began serving as concurrent VP of AANSW and the Sydney Astrological Research Society. His research work appeared internationally on StarIq and also in the ISAR Journal. He has also been featured on A Current Affair and Today Tonight.

Ed maintains an active schedule as a public presenter, personal consultant, and co-principle and teacher at the Sirius School of Astrology. His current works can be accessed at his website

Fred Watson, AM

Dr. Fred Watson

Fred Watson says he spent so many years working in large telescope domes that he has started to look like one! He is now the Head of Lighting and Environment working closely with the community to preserve the dark skies of Coonabarabran. Previously, Fred was the Astronomer in Charge of the Australian Astronomical Observatory at Coonabarabran, where his main scientific interest was gathering information on very large numbers of stars and galaxies. Fred has adjunct professorships at the University of Western Sydney, University of New South Wales, Macquarie University, the Queensland University of Technology and the University of Southern Queensland.

He is well-known for his astronomy slots on ABC radio, and his books including “Stargazer – the Life and Times of the Telescope”, “Why is Uranus Upside Down? and Other Questions About the Universe” (which won the 2008 Queensland Premier’s Literary Prize for Science Writing) and the ABC’s blockbuster, “Universe”, for which he was chief consultant.

In January 2013, Fred launched his most recent book “Star-Craving Mad, Tales from a Travelling Astronomer” featuring many highlights from his recent journeys around the world, exploring points of astronomical interest, and in 2014, he launched a series of light-hearted science lectures called Fred Watson Presents.

In 2003, Fred received the David Allen Prize for communicating astronomy to the public, and in 2006 was the winner of the Australian Government Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science. In January 2010, Fred was made a Member of the Order of Australia for service to astronomy, particularly the promotion and popularisation of space science through public outreach.

In 2015, Fred started a series of talks called Fred Watson Presents, which bring all things astronomical, Fred’s friends and colleagues to the general public together, in an informal evening event. Information about this and the many tour programs Fred leads at Fred Watson Tours and Events:

Fred has an asteroid named after him (5691 Fredwatson), but says that if it hits the Earth, it won’t be his fault …