2020 FAA Conference Speaker Babula Clement
Babula is an astrologer based in Brisbane who teaches, gives private consultations, facilitates experiential astrology groups, and paints. Her approach uses astrology as a soulful tool of healing, insight and inspiration. She has run transformational women’s astrology retreats, lectured at FAA conferences and practised her art in New Zealand, the UK and India. Her influences have been many: psychology, mythology, spiritual teachings, the arts, trees, family, astrology teachers, her students and clients and life itself. Babula has a BA Dip Ed, the FAA Practitioner’s Diploma, Certificates of Psych Astrology and Counselling, Reiki and is a Fellow of the Qld FAA.
A Return to the Earth – Reclaiming Our Wild Souls
Babula will explore the impact of the current gathering of planets in Capricorn, along with the North Node in Cancer, Uranus in Taurus and Neptune and the Black Moon in Pisces. Being essentially feminine-orientated, these Earth and Water signs resonate with the ancient wisdom of feminine realms: the body, the heart, our inner soul world, the earth, nature, food production and more. The premise of this talk is that we must return to our connection with the earth and reclaim our wild souls if humanity is to survive, flourish and evolve.
Cycles of the Black Moon Lilith with the Outer Planets
Lilith is a much maligned archetype, regarded as dark, scary, destructive and demonic – one that must be feared and controlled. However, we also know her as the powerful ‘Lion Heart of the Feminine’, a great divine being, the ‘Ancient Veiled One’ and the ‘Cosmic Womb/Mother Serpent’ who guides us back to healing, wholeness and integration. Her natal placement and her transits highlight themes of death and new beginnings, of the great mystery of cycles, of powerful healing of our old deep wounds of repression and disempowerment and a joyful release into new, authentic life. This lecture addresses these themes and focuses on the Black Moon conjunctions with the outer planets in recent and coming times.